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The commercial fishing regulations


It's important to remember that this API revolves around permits to function. The flow is Permit -> Regulations, Conditions, Areas


The following fields are available in the response:

id: number;
fish_id?: string | number;
species_name?: string;
species_shape?: string;
species_freshwater?: number;
species_saltwater?: number;
species_report_only?: number;
species_edibility?: string;
species_synonyms?: string[];
permit_name?: string;
permit_notes?: string;
permit_agencies?: string[];
permit_areas?: number[];
permit_conditions?: number[];
permit_regions?: number[];
zone_name?: string;
zone_label?: string;
zone_notes?: string;
min_size?: number;
max_size?: number;
size_measurement_name?: string;
size_measurement_abbreviation?: string;
size_measurement_description?: string;
size_measurement_unit?: string;
trip_limit?: number;
trip_measurement_name?: string;
trip_measurement_abbreviation?: string;
trip_measurement_description?: string;
trip_measurement_unit?: string;
quota_measurement_name?: string;
quota_measurement_abbreviation?: string;
quota_measurement_description?: string;
quota_measurement_unit?: string;
quota_description?: string;
quota_individual_description?: string;
quota_limit?: number;
quota_harvested?: number;
quota_type?: string;
quota_name?: string;
quota_closed?: number;
quota_individual?: number;
quota_coupons?: number;
fishing_year?: string;
seasons?: [{
starts_at: string;
ends_at: string;
description?: string;
restrictions?: [{
name: string;
label: string;
type: string;
description: string;
notes?: string;
prohibited?: number;
effective_at?: string;

Sample Response

"id": 16,
"fish_id": "122",
"species_name": "Wahoo",
"species_shape": "Pelagic Fish",
"species_freshwater": 0,
"species_saltwater": 1,
"species_report_only": 0,
"species_edibility": "Excellent, but may contain high mercury levels. ",
"species_synonyms": ["Acanthocybium solandri"],
"permit_name": "Atlantic Dolphin Wahoo Permit",
"permit_notes": "<p><strong>HTML description</strong></p>",
"permit_agencies": ["SAFMC"],
"permit_areas": [
5, 6, 12, 15, 25, 28, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 52, 53, 54, 56, 63, 79,
88, 92, 94, 96, 99, 100, 104, 105, 110
"permit_conditions": [11, 23, 37, 48, 54, 62, 67, 68],
"permit_regions": [],
"zone_name": "Atlantic EEZ (FL through ME)",
"zone_label": "atlantic_eez_fl_through_me",
"zone_notes": "",
"min_size": null,
"max_size": null,
"size_measurement_name": null,
"size_measurement_abbreviation": null,
"size_measurement_description": null,
"size_measurement_unit": null,
"trip_limit": 500,
"trip_measurement_name": "Mixed Weight",
"trip_measurement_abbreviation": "lbs MW",
"trip_measurement_description": "",
"trip_measurement_unit": "lbs",
"quota_measurement_name": "Whole Weight",
"quota_measurement_abbreviation": "lbs WW",
"quota_measurement_description": "",
"quota_measurement_unit": "lbs",
"quota_id": 20,
"quota_limit": 70542,
"quota_harvested": 25.6,
"quota_type": "Commercial ACL",
"quota_name": "Commercial ACL",
"quota_reference": null,
"quota_label": "commercial_acl",
"quota_description": "<p>Commercial Annual Catch Limit</p>",
"quota_closed": 1,
"quota_coupons": 0,
"quota_individual": 0,
"quota_individual_description": null,
"fishing_year": "Jan 1 - Dec 31",
"seasons": [],
"restrictions": [],
"notes": "<p><strong>Minimum Size Limit:</strong> None</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Operator Card: </strong>Operators of commercial vessels, charter vessels, and headboats that are required to have a federal vessel permit for dolphin and wahoo must have and display operator permits.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Non-Permitted Trip Limits:</strong> For a commercially permitted vessel fishing north 39 degrees N. latitude, that does not have a federal commercial vessel permit for dolphin or wahoo, there is a trip limit of 200 pounds of dolphin and wahoo, combined.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>",
"prohibited": 0,
"effective_at": "2021-08-25 00:00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-08-25 17:02:01"

Get all regulations (bulk)

GET api/commercial/regulations

Get regulations by permit name

You can also get regulations by a permit name.

The following will get the regulations for the permit Atlantic Dolphin Wahoo Permit:

GET /api/commercial/regulations/Atlantic%20Dolphin%20Wahoo%20Permit