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An API to get regulation specific information.


It's important to remember that this API revolves around location to function. Most API's expect a lat/lon coordinate to function properly.


The following fields are available in the response:

Show field definitions

Regulation Field Definitions

The following are descriptions of some of the fields for a given regulation:

id: number: The regulation ID

fish_id: number: The canoncical fish ID that maps to a species. Use the species API to get a list of all species.

aggregate_limit: number: No harvester shall harvest nor possess more than a total of this limit of this species per day, in any combination of species that belong to the same aggregate name

aggregate_name: string: The aggregate name this species belongs to

bag_limit: number: The maximum number of individual fish legally harvested per harvester per day.

vessel_limit: number: The maximum number of individual fish legally possessed aboard any vessel.

trophy_limit: number: The maximum number of trophy individuals legally harvested per harvester per day.

trophy_size: number: A trophy is any individual of a length greater than the max size limit. (This value should match up with the max_size value)

min_size: number: No person shall harvest any individual fish greater than the minimum size except as permitted.

max_size: number: No person shall harvest any individual fish greater than the maximum size except as permitted.

prohibited: number: It is unlawful to harvest, possess, land, purchase, sell, or exchange this species.

prohibited_species_message: string: An optional message that goes along with the prohibited field when it is set to 1.

freshwater: number: Indicates a fresh water species

saltwater: number: Indicates a salt water species

species_report_only: number: A report only species is a species that should only be "logged" as "reported", vs. harvested or released. Examples of these types of species include Sea Turtles and Whales.

location_prohibited: number: While the species might not be prohibited, this indicates that the location the angler is in, is prohibited (e.g. a marine protected area).

location_freshwater: number: Indicates a fresh water location

location_saltwater: number: Indicates a fresh water species

additional_licenses_required: string|HTML: Text that indicates additional licenses are required to harvest this species.

gear_name: string: If gear equipment is required, the gear name will be populated.

gear_description: string|HTML: Description of the gear requirements

location_area: string: The regulated location area identifier

location_name: string: The regulated location name

location_prohibited_message: string|HTML: If the location is a prohibited location (like a marine protected area), this will be populated with information about the prohibition.

measurement_name: string: The name of the measurement requirements. e.g. "Total Length", "Fork Length", etc.

measurement_abbreviation: string: An abbreviated form of the measurement name. e.g. "TL" for "Total Length"

measurement_unit: string: The unit of measurement for the measurement requirement. e.g. "in" for inches

measurement_unit_symbol: string: The symbol for the measurement requirement. e.g. " for inches

measurement_description: string|HTML: A detailed description of what the meansurement requirement entails. For example, "Total Length" will have a description along these lines:

Sample description

Total length means the straight line distance from the most forward point of the head with the mouth closed, to the farthest tip of the tail with the tail compressed or squeezed, while the fish is lying on its side.

species: string: The name of the species

notes: string|HTML: Free form notes about this regulation

location_regulation_notes: string|HTML: Regulation notes that apply specifically to the location, regardless of the species.

edibility: string|HTML: Edibility information about the species.

seasons: Season[]: Season information in an array (there can be multiple seasons).

synonyms: string[]: An array of synonyms for the species' name

effective_at: string: The date the regulation went in to effect

prohibitions: Prohibition[]: An array of prohibitions with names, descriptions, etc.

restrictions: Restriction[]: An array of restrictions with names, descriptions, etc.

requirements: Requirements[]: An array of requirements with names, descriptions, etc.

Legacy fields

The fields below can still be used as a way to determine certain prohibited equipment and actions. However, you can use the "prohibitions" field to get an array of all prohibitions, which will include these, plus a description and further information about each one.

gigging: number: Indicates if gigging is prohibited

snagging: number: Indicates if snagging is prohibited

spearing: number: Indicates if spearing is prohibited

multiple_hooks: number: Indicates if multiple hooks is prohibited

zero_bag_for_captain: number: Indicates a zero bag captain prohibition

keep_intact: number: In waters where minimum-length or slot-size limits apply, game fish may not be filleted, nor their head or tail fin removed until the angler has completed fishing for the day.

Sample Full Response

Show Sample response
"id": 4521,
"aggregate_id": null,
"gear_id": null,
"location_id": 194,
"measurement_id": 1,
"parent_id": 4521,
"specie_shape_id": 7,
"fish_id": 3064,
"aggregate_limit": null,
"bag_limit": 2,
"vessel_limit": null,
"trophy_limit": 1,
"min_size": null,
"max_size": 17,
"trophy_size": 17,
"location_rank": 100,
"prohibited": 0,
"freshwater": 1,
"saltwater": 0,
"species_report_only": 0,
"published": 1,
"effective": 0,
"location_prohibited": 0,
"location_freshwater": 1,
"location_saltwater": 1,
"location_is_top_level": 0,
"production": 1,
"additional_licenses_required": "",
"aggregate_name": null,
"gear_name": null,
"location_area": "fl_state_waters",
"location_name": "FL State Waters",
"location_prohibited_message": "",
"measurement_name": "Total Length",
"measurement_abbreviation": "TL",
"measurement_unit": "in",
"measurement_unit_symbol": "\"",
"species": "Bass, Butterfly Peacock",
"shape": "Oblong Big Mouth",
"notes": "Only 1 may be 17-inches or longer in total length. \r\n\r\n<b>Catch a butterfly peacock bass over 4-pounds, and you qualify for the <a href=\"\">Big Catch Angler Recognition Program</a>, which rewards anglers who catch a memorable-sized fish.\r\n",
"location_regulation_notes": "",
"gear_description": null,
"measurement_description": "Total length means the straight line distance from the most forward point of the head with the mouth closed, to the farthest tip of the tail with the tail compressed or squeezed, while the fish is lying on its side.",
"edibility": "Good but not as good as snakehead or largemouth bass, see <a href=\"\">Catch, Clean, Cook Peacock Bass by DMFD</a>",
"seasons": [],
"synonyms": ["Cichla ocellaris", "tucunare"],
"gigging": 0,
"snagging": 0,
"spearing": 0,
"multiple_hooks": 0,
"zero_bag_for_captain": 0,
"keep_intact": 1,
"effective_at": "2020-05-25 00:00:00",
"prohibitions": [],
"restrictions": [],
"requirements": [
"id": 6,
"name": "keep_intact",
"label": "Keep Intact",
"type": "requirement",
"description": "In waters where minimum-length or slot-size limits apply, game fish may not be filleted, nor their head or tail fin removed until the angler has completed fishing for the day. ",
"created_at": "2020-08-26 01:28:35",
"updated_at": "2020-08-26 01:28:35"

Get all regulations by lat/lon

Returns a list of regulations based on the latitude and longitude passed.


The regulation data is a partial list of information. To get the full regulation detail use the Regulation by ID API.

URL Parameters

latitude: float - e.g. 26.5

longitude: float - e.g. -80.5

Query Parameters

expand: boolean - If true, the response will include the full regulation detail.

Sample Response
"aggregate_name": null,
"id": 2700,
"bag_limit": 1,
"fish_id": 100,
"shape": "Torpedo",
"synonyms": ["Seriola dumerili"],
"species": "Amberjack, Greater",
"prohibited": 0,
"specie_shape_id": 1,
"location_name": "FL Atlantic State Waters",
"location_rank": 105,
"location_id": 5,
"effective_at": "2020-06-30 00:00:00",
"freshwater": 0,
"saltwater": 1,
"location_freshwater": 0,
"location_saltwater": 1,
"location_regulation_notes": "",
"location_prohibited_message": "",
"prohibitions": [],
"restrictions": [],
"requirements": []
GET api/regulations/location/:latitude/:longitude

Get a regulations by lat/lon & species ID

This returns a specific regulation for the species ID passed. It uses latitude/longitude to ensure the regulation is specific to the location. To get a list of species ID's, use the species endpoint.

URL Parameters

fish_id: number - e.g. 100 (Amberjack, Greater)

latitude: float - e.g. 26.5

longitude: float - e.g. -80.5

GET api/regulations/species/:fish_id/:latitude/:longitude

Get regulation by ID

Returns the full regulation information by passing the regulation ID.

URL Parameters

id: number - The regulation ID

GET api/regulations/:id

Get count of regulations and boundary info

Returns only a count of regulations and boundary info

URL Parameters

latitude: float - e.g. 26.5

longitude: float - e.g. -80.5

Sample Response
"success": true,
"results": {
"count": 219,
"inProhibitedLocation": false,
"boundaries": [
"id": 77,
"area": "hms",
"name": "USA Atlantic",
"rank": 10,
"prohibited": 0,
"prohibited_message": "",
"locales": "[3,2,78,95,204]",
"is_top_level": 1,
"freshwater": 0,
"saltwater": 1,
"regulation_notes": ""
GET api/regulations/count/:latitude/:longitude